
Data objects


Data Modules

NowcastingDataModule Objects

class NowcastingDataModule(pl.LightningDataModule)

Nowcasting Data Module, used to make batches

Attributes (additional to the dataclass attributes): pv_data_source: PVDataSource sat_data_source: SatelliteDataSource data_sources: List[DataSource] train_t0_datetimes: pd.DatetimeIndex val_t0_datetimes: pd.DatetimeIndex


def __post_init__()

Post Init


def prepare_data() -> None

Prepare all datasources


def setup(stage="fit")

Split data, etc.


  • stage - {'fit', 'predict', 'test', 'validate'} This code ignores this.

## Selecting daytime data.

We're interested in forecasting solar power generation, so we don't care about nighttime data :)

In the UK in summer, the sun rises first in the north east, and sets last in the north west [1]. In summer, the north gets more hours of sunshine per day.

In the UK in winter, the sun rises first in the south east, and sets last in the south west [2]. In winter, the south gets more hours of sunshine per day.

Summer Winter
Sun rises first in N.E. S.E.
Sun sets last in N.W. S.W.
Most hours of sunlight North South

Before training, we select timesteps which have at least some sunlight. We do this by computing the clearsky global horizontal irradiance (GHI) for the four corners of the satellite imagery, and for all the timesteps in the dataset. We only use timesteps where the maximum global horizontal irradiance across all four corners is above some threshold.

The 'clearsky solar irradiance' is the amount of sunlight we'd expect on a clear day at a specific time and location. The SI unit of irradiance is watt per square meter. The 'global horizontal irradiance' (GHI) is the total sunlight that would hit a horizontal surface on the surface of the Earth. The GHI is the sum of the direct irradiance (sunlight which takes a direct path from the Sun to the Earth's surface) and the diffuse horizontal irradiance (the sunlight scattered from the atmosphere). For more info, see:


  1. Video of June 2019
  2. Video of Jan 2019


def train_dataloader() ->

Train dataloader


def val_dataloader() ->

Validation dataloader


def test_dataloader() ->

Test dataloader


split functions


Methods for splitting data into train, validation and test


def split_method(datetimes: pd.DatetimeIndex, train_test_validation_split: Tuple[int] = (3, 1, 1), train_test_validation_specific: TrainValidationTestSpecific = default_train_test_validation_specific, method: str = "modulo", freq: str = "D", seed: int = 1234) -> (List[pd.Timestamp], List[pd.Timestamp], List[pd.Timestamp])

Split the data into train, test and (optionally) validation sets.

method: modulo If the split is (3,1,1) then, taking all the days in the dataset: - train data will have all days that are modulo 5 remainder 0,1 or 2, i.e 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 6th, 7th, 8th, 11th .... of the whole dataset - validation data will have all days that are modulo 5 remainder 3, i.e 4th, 9th, ... - test data will have all days that are modulo 5 remainder 4, i.e 5th, 10th , ...

method: random If the split is (3,1,1) then - train data will have 60% of the data - validation data will have 20% of the data - test data will have have 20% of the data


  • datetimes - list of datetimes
  • train_test_validation_split - how the split is made
  • method - which method to use. Can be modulo or random
  • freq - This can be D=day, W=week, M=month and Y=year. This means the data is divided up by different periods
  • seed - random seed used to permutate the data for the 'random' method
  • train_test_validation_specific - pydandic class of 'train', 'validation' and 'test'. These specifies which data goes into which datasets

  • Returns - train, validation and test datetimes


def split_by_dates(datetimes: pd.DatetimeIndex, train_validation_datetime_split: pd.Timestamp, validation_test_datetime_split: pd.Timestamp) -> (List[pd.Timestamp], List[pd.Timestamp], List[pd.Timestamp])

Split datetimes into train, validation and test by two specific datetime splits

Note that the 'train_validation_datetime_split' should be less than the 'validation_test_datetime_split'


  • datetimes - list of datetimes
  • train_validation_datetime_split - the datetime which will split the train and validation datetimes. For example if this is '2021-01-01' then the train datetimes will end by '2021-01-01' and the validation datetimes will start at '2021-01-01'.
  • validation_test_datetime_split - the datetime which will split the validation and test datetimes

  • Returns - train, validation and test datetimes


Model for splitting data

TrainValidationTestSpecific Objects

class TrainValidationTestSpecific(BaseModel)

Class on how to specifically split the data into train, validation and test.


def train_validation_test(cls, v, values)

Make sure there is no overlap for the train data


def validation_overlap(cls, v, values)

Make sure there is no overlap for the validation data


def test_overlap(cls, v, values)

Make sure there is no overlap for the test data


Function to split datasets up

SplitMethod Objects

class SplitMethod(Enum)

Different split methods


def split_data(datetimes: Union[List[pd.Timestamp], pd.DatetimeIndex], method: SplitMethod, train_test_validation_split: Tuple[int] = (3, 1, 1), train_test_validation_specific: TrainValidationTestSpecific = (
    ), train_validation_test_datetime_split: Optional[List[pd.Timestamp]] = None, seed: int = 1234) -> (List[pd.Timestamp], List[pd.Timestamp], List[pd.Timestamp])

Split the date using various different methods


  • datetimes - The datetimes to be split
  • method - the method to be used
  • train_test_validation_split - ratios of how the split is made
  • seed - random seed used to permutate the data for the 'random' method
  • train_test_validation_specific - pydandic class of 'train', 'validation' and 'test'. These specify which data goes into which dataset.
  • train_validation_test_datetime_split - split train, validation based on specific dates.

  • Returns - train, validation and test dataset


A class to validate the prepare ml dataset

ValidatorDataset Objects

class ValidatorDataset()

Validation of a dataset


def __init__(batches: Union[NetCDFDataset,], configuration: Configuration)

Initialize class and run validation


  • batches - Dataset that needs validating
  • configuration - Configuration file


def validate()

This validates the batches, and calculates unique days that are in the all the batches


def validate_and_get_day_datetimes_for_one_batch(batch: Batch)

For one batch, validate, and return the day datetimes in that batch


  • batch - batch data

  • Returns - list of days that the batch has data for

FakeDataset Objects

class FakeDataset(

Fake dataset.


def __init__(configuration: Configuration, length: int = 10)



  • configuration - configuration object
  • length - length of dataset


def __len__()

Number of pieces of data


def per_worker_init(worker_id: int)

Not needed


def __getitem__(idx)

Get item, use for iter and next method


  • idx - batch index

  • Returns - Dictionary of random data


Dataset and functions


This file contains the following classes NetCDFDataset- Use for loading pre-made batches NowcastingDataset - Dataset for making batches

NetCDFDataset Objects

class NetCDFDataset(

Loads data saved by the script.

Moved from predict_pv_yield


def __init__(n_batches: int, src_path: str, tmp_path: str, configuration: Configuration, cloud: str = "gcp", required_keys: Union[Tuple[str], List[str]] = None, history_minutes: Optional[int] = None, forecast_minutes: Optional[int] = None)

Netcdf Dataset


  • n_batches - Number of batches available on disk.
  • src_path - The full path (including 'gs://') to the data on Google Cloud storage.
  • tmp_path - The full path to the local temporary directory (on a local filesystem). cloud:
  • required_keys - Tuple or list of keys required in the example for it to be considered usable
  • history_minutes - How many past minutes of data to use, if subsetting the batch
  • forecast_minutes - How many future minutes of data to use, if reducing the amount of forecast time
  • configuration - configuration object
  • cloud - which cloud is used, can be "gcp", "aws" or "local".


def per_worker_init(worker_id: int)

Function called by a worker


def __len__()

Length of dataset


def __getitem__(batch_idx: int) -> Batch

Returns a whole batch at once.


  • batch_idx - The integer index of the batch. Must be in the range [0, self.n_batches).


NamedDict where each value is a numpy array. The size of this array's first dimension is the batch size.

NowcastingDataset Objects

class NowcastingDataset(

The first data_source will be used to select the geo locations each batch.


Number of times to re-use each timestep. Must exactly divide batch_size.


def __post_init__()

Post Init


def per_worker_init(worker_id: int) -> None

Called by worker_init_fn on each copy of NowcastingDataset

This happens after the worker process has been spawned.


def __iter__()

Yields a complete batch at a time.


def worker_init_fn(worker_id)

Configures each dataset worker process.

  1. Get fsspec ready for multi process
  2. To call NowcastingDataset.per_worker_init().


def subselect_data(batch: Batch, required_keys: Union[Tuple[str], List[str]], history_minutes: int, forecast_minutes: int, current_timestep_index: Optional[int] = None) -> Batch

Subselects the data temporally. This function selects all data within the time range [t0 - history_minutes, t0 + forecast_minutes]


  • batch - Example dictionary containing at least the required_keys
  • required_keys - The required keys present in the dictionary to use
  • current_timestep_index - The index into either SATELLITE_DATETIME_INDEX or NWP_TARGET_TIME giving the current timestep
  • history_minutes - How many minutes of history to use
  • forecast_minutes - How many minutes of future data to use for forecasting


Example with only data between [t0 - history_minutes, t0 + forecast_minutes] remaining


batch functions

Example Objects

class Example(BaseModel)

Single Data item


def change_type_to_numpy()

Change data to numpy


def data_sources()

The different data sources

Batch Objects

class Batch(Example)

Batch data object.

Contains the following data sources - gsp, satellite, topogrpahic, sun, pv, nwp and datetime. Also contains metadata of the class


def batch_to_dict_dataset() -> Dict[str, xr.Dataset]

Change batch to xr.Dataset so it can be saved and compressed


def load_batch_from_dict_dataset(xr_dataset: Dict[str, xr.Dataset])

Change dictionary of xr.Datatset to Batch object


def split() -> List[Example]

Split batch into list of data items


def fake(configuration: Configuration = Configuration())

Create fake batch


def save_netcdf(batch_i: int, path: Path)

Save batch to netcdf file


  • batch_i - the batch id, used to make the filename
  • path - the path where it will be saved. This can be local or in the cloud.


def load_netcdf(local_netcdf_path: Union[Path, str], batch_idx: int)

Load batch from netcdf file


def batch_to_dict_dataset(batch: Batch) -> Dict[str, xr.Dataset]

Concat all the individual fields in an Example into a dictionary of Datasets.


  • batch - List of Example objects, which together constitute a single batch.


def write_batch_locally(batch: Union[Batch, dict], batch_i: int, path: Path)

Write a batch to a locally file


  • batch - A batch of data
  • batch_i - The number of the batch
  • path - The directory to write the batch into.